Friday, January 28, 2011

My Opinion On Gerard Butler...

Gerard Butler is an immensely sexual man. He is not a man who seeks other men's girlfriends or wives, he is not clingy, he loves his space, and his independence. Some may say he is a Playboy, but this is a man searching for the perfect women who shares the same sexual and life desires as he does....He hides nothing of himself. He will walk alone, with no bodyguards, through Central Park and hail a cab, and remains humane all the time.

Gerard shows no shame in who he is and is a no holds barred man sexually. His eyes display his mystic, sexuality, wants, and desires. He will take on sexual roles for people to gain an understanding of human sexuality. For example, he did a movie that displayed bestiality, however, the plot was how a man reacts without having the one basic human need we all must have-sex, but many did not get what Gerard was trying to get across on film.

In 300 and Law Abiding Citizen, Gerard showed his true sides of his personality. He is man who can display his unemotional attachment and lack of chemistry with other actresses on film as in The Bounty Hunter. His body tenses up and his eyes show lack on interest. In Phantom of the Opera, he was beyond fascinating and showed he could pull of a dark side no one ever thought he could-he loves challenges.

Gerard does not hold back his thoughts at all and speaks his mind which is valiant. He has his own type of way of showing his comedic side during interviews. He is the type of man seeking a woman who is intensely sexual, not clingy, independent, and wants him for who he truly is...He resonates his Scottish roots. This is a man who knows law, and loves to act within challenging roles.

Gerard is one to speak his mind even with lude comments and shakes off any negative feedback because he is being who he is...He is the type of man who says "take me as I am" or walks away. This is not a man of passion, romance, but of decadence and of a primal nature. He will talk to anyone as if he knows them, even those who are avid fans and strangers to him. Many make him seem complex, when he is not at all.

He is not ashamed of any past mistakes and has a no hold barred attitude within his own sexuality. He bares it all on screen and is far from the modest type. This is man who welcomes any and all challenges in life; and loves to "shock and awe" his fans, which is an incredible talent.

Unfortunately, Gerard does not have a Twitter and Facebook account which would allow him to make people understand him even more. I am hoping Gerard does get these accounts soon, so fans can understand him more and relate more to him. More so, so his fans can talk with him and get to know the man behind the mask, per say.

I have only utmost respect for Gerard Butler because he hides nothing of himself or from anyone as in all his interviews. I pray he welcomes my challenge on getting a Twitter account and Facebook account, so I can learn even more about him. I would rather hear from Gerard than from tabloids who put him in a category, he definitely does not fit or exist within...

With utmost respect,